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Intellectual Property Evaluation

Borman & Company provides credentialed professionals who conduct targeted intellectual property (IP) evaluation services to address our client's business issues. So, wherever your intellectual property is domiciled or deployed, we can work with you to provide the appropriate evaluation assistance.



Our Competitive Technical Intelligence (CTI) analysis offers a transaction-motivated evaluation focused on the question of potential value of IP, so that clients may rely upon the analysis to support investment, sale, or license of a technology. We ground our analysis in an understanding of the technology, the market and the motivation. Critical considerations in a technology assessment of commercial value are timing and entry barriers: are we early or late to market and what factors may be blocking entry?  An additional benefit is the identification of adjacent markets or applications where a technology may be of value.



Borman & Company's evaluation of intellectual property (or intellectual assets) advises clients on crucial intellectual property compliance issues to support better decision-making for the business. We have specialized expertise in iEdison reporting and Bayh-Dole Compliance for our clients with federally funded research initiatives. We work closely with outside law offices and internal Counsel to satisfy federal regulatory requirements and put processes in place to assure an ongoing intellectual property compliance program.



Borman & Company assists clients in selecting the most appropriate evaluation approach. We recognize that this decision may depend upon a number of factors. Therefore, we are prepared to recommend and execute in all methods of evaluation, frequently combining analyses for a stronger and more complete invention valuation and management analysis. The Borman & Company team delivers effective results, even in very early stage "entrepreneurial" situations, through combining competitive technical information that informs our evaluation.



Our professional staff is ASA and MRICS CVS accredited and have been internationally recognized for their work in evaluation, holding both U.S. and international valuation designations. We have extensive experience in dispute resolution including expert testimony to complement our expert report.



Intellectual Property Transfer Pricing

Due to globalization trends, goods and IP are crossing international borders between related parties at a record pace. Although your cross-border transactions may appear to be seamless, the IRS and other tax authorities are watching closely. In every instance, tax authorities strive to ensure that the prices set for IP that cross international borders are set at "arm's length" prices. Learn more

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