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Marketing Services 


Borman & Company helps universities take the next step to move their research and inventions toward commercialization. The right next step may be a licensing agreement or additional research funding or a long-term relationship with industry or academic partners.  But without the ability to attract and connect with the appropriate partners, the true mission of a tech transfer office remains unfulfilled.  We help TTO’s identify and communicate their core brand values as they relate to specific research initiatives and connect these to what matters to the marketplace.



If you take a look at the tech transfer pages on academic websites you may find a list of research initiatives. This is a good start but not sufficient. Borman & Company can help you transform how you communicate about your innovations in a way that expands the possibilities for collaboration with industry.  Although it may sound counterintuitive, the core of powerful messaging is not about what you have to say about yourself but about what matters to your target audience. Therefore, TTO’s need to engage and communicate with industry partners in a way that speaks about marketplace needs. Borman & Company can help you build strong positioning that extends beyond the technical details to: 

  • what differentiates the research approach

  • potential applications for new technologies

  • key benefits of your inventions for users

  • where this technology may fit in the marketplace



Positioning the technology correctly is the first step. Next, Borman & Company can help you be proactive to identify where that research or invention could apply. In many instances, we come up with possible homes for technologies that your team may not have considered. With our proprietary database and analytical tools we are able to spot specific market segments, verticals, even a targeted population within a vertical where a technology could offer the greatest value. One example, among many, is how Borman & Company helped a leading university find a partner to bring an important nanoparticle, back of the eye drug delivery technology to market for the benefit of patients.



Finally, you can do all the hard work of defining your brand and positioning your inventions but if potential partners can’t find you when the timing is right, then the mission has fallen short. We can help your institution become more visible with content that is optimized for search engines, copywriting that is not only meaningful but keyword driven and link building tactics using social media and other methods.


At Borman & Company we believe that the true north of marketing for tech transfer offices is to make the best representation of a university’s technology and invention capabilities in order to find the right partnerships to bring forward the results of the significant research dollars invested in innovation.

Marketing for Tech Transfer Offices
  • Marketing strategies and tactics

  • Technology/invention commercialization

  • Research innovation positioning

  • TTO brand definition & strategy

  • Messaging/copywriting/content

  • Outbound marketing campaigns

  • Market opportunity analysis

  • Partner identification/outreach

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