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Patent Analytics Services

Advanced patent analytics offers benefits for SBIR’s as well as university tech transfer offices. Supported by powerful data visualizations, Borman & Company offers in-depth competitive insights for any size patent portfolio to support better decision-making.


Undoubtedly, big data patent analytics can unlock valuable insights for SBIR’s. The ability to identify emerging competitors and new entrants early informs a proactive approach to product development. Knowledge about complementary and disruptive technologies to the patents held, or in process, is key to any successful IP/business strategy.


Questions we have helped answer for SBIR’s include:

  • What might potential partners look like?

  • How differentiated is their technology?

  • Who will be the right investors?

  • What’s trending in their sector?


We help guide universities and research institutions with in-depth analyses of the patent landscape to flag those technologies with the greatest potential for success and to identify partners to take research forward to commercialization. This exercise in patent analytics is one that many TTO’s do not have the bandwidth or tools to pursue in-house yet the resulting benefits will support their capabilities to:


  • Identify the right companies to pursue as partners or licensees

  • Expand the licensing options for key technologies

  • Use patent data to develop messaging for target market participants

  • Provide greater value to researchers


And in a time when the entire university is under unprecedented fiscal pressure, advanced competitive analytics can support fact-based decisions to fine-tune the patent portfolio. The end result is cost savings and a significant step forward for the new, lean TTO.

Clients Say

“Borman & Company is a trusted advisor to their clients in managing the business of innovation.” 

Mark Crowell, former president, AUTM

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